Enroll in
Colorado K-8 Schools

Get Ready to Join Leman Academy of Excellence
Online Open Enrollment for Leman Academy of Excellence Colorado K-8 Schools
Leman Academy of Excellence is a charter school that provides a tuition-free, rigorous classical education for scholars in grades K-8. Our classical approach inspires scholars to love learning, fosters strong character and prepares scholars for success in life. We participate in the annual Douglas County School District (DCSD) Online Open Enrollment to fill K-8 openings and do not maintain a wait list.
First round of enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year at Leman Academy Stroh and Bayou Gulch campuses will be available November 1, 2024 – December 2, 2024.
Note: Current Leman Academy of Excellence scholars do not need to re-register. Intent to Return forms will need to be completed at a later time.
Second round of enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year at Leman Academy Stroh and Bayou Gulch campuses will be available January 22, 2025 – August 2, 2025. First round of Open Enrollment is now closed. Leman Academy will extend offers of open enrollment based on space availability. Parents can see offers in the EngagED Parent Portal on December 11th at 8:00AM. Parents have until December 18th to log back in and accept any open enrollment offers. In the event you did not receive an offer during the first round, you will remain on the waitlist for the second round.
Note: Current Leman Academy of Excellence scholars do not need to re-register. Intent to Return forms will need to be completed at a later time.
Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-54-103, children are eligible for admission to kindergarten if they are five years old before October 1 of the current school year.
First Grade
Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-54-103, children are eligible for first grade if they are six years old by October 1 of the current school year.
Parents interested in K-8 enrollment at Leman Academy need to complete DCSD Open Enrollment for their child to be eligible for openings.
- Open Enrollment through DCSD must be completed every year. Previous years’ Open Enrollment lists do not roll forward.
- Open enrollment is only for families who wish to move their scholar(s) to a school that is different from their assigned neighborhood school.
- Scholars who are currently enrolled at Leman Academy do not need to complete the Open Enrollment process.
How to Apply
To enroll, you must establish a DCSD EngageEd Parent Portal account at the beginning of the Open Enrollment period and make your school selection through EngageEd. Please use the Open Enrollment link on the DSCD website (https://www.dcsdk12.org) to get started.
First Round K-8 Open Enrollment: Begins November 1 at 8:00 am and closes December 2 at 4:00 pm.
- This round is not first come, first serve. You have until December 1 at 4:00 pm to complete this process.
- You may change your Open Enrollment request choices at any time until December 1 at 4:00 pm.
- Parents can log into EngageEd on December 10 to see if and where their child has been accepted.
- Parents have until December 18 at 4:00 pm to accept any enrollment offers.
- If you did not receive any offers, you will remain on the wait list for the Second Round of Open Enrollment.
Second Round K-8 Open Enrollment: Begins January 22 at 8:00 am and closes August 2 at 4:00 pm.
- If you were put on the wait list during the first round, you will still be on that list for the second round.
- Leman Academy will ONLY reach out to you if a spot becomes available.
- Offers during the second round will be made via the email address parents submitted during Open Enrollment. Email offers include specific deadlines that must be met to proceed with the enrollment process.
Enrollment Preferences
Preference will be given to scholars who meet the following criteria in the order listed:
- Applicants who are siblings of an already-enrolled Leman scholar. Note: this includes the following: If two or more siblings submit completed application packets during the open enrollment period, and a sibling is randomly selected by lottery for enrollment, the other sibling(s) will be given preference in the enrollment process.
- Applicants who are children, grandchildren, or legal wards of:
- Employees of the school
- Employees of the charter holder
- Members of the governing body of the school
- Directors, officers, partners or board members of the charter holder
- Founding Family members. (Note: These students will not exceed 20% of the school population.)
- Transferring scholars moving from one Leman school to another Leman school.
- In-District (DCSD) Scholars
Contact Information
If you are seeking enrollment at Leman Academy for the current school year, please contact the office Managers.
Bayou Gulch:
Mineko Zeidlhack@lemanacademy.org
We do not enroll scholars after September of each year.