Make a Lasting Imprint on Current and Future Scholars
Your gift will help Leman Academy grow both in impact and in excellence, providing best-in-class opportunities for generations of Leman Academy scholars.
Why Are Donations Important?
Leman Academy parents are delighted to know their children are thriving from a quality, classical education in a tuition-free, public-school setting. This doesn’t just happen. We depend heavily on financial support from the Academy’s parents, grandparents, and friends to: recruit, develop and retain top teachers; provide music, art, and after-school activities not generally available in public schools; and maintain our state-of-the-art campus. There are many great ways for you to support the young people in our school.
Areas of Support
Royal Teachers Fund
Our No. 1 fundraising priority is the Royal Teachers Fund. Research shows that a quality teacher is the single-most significant factor in student success, far outweighing class size. Dr. Leman puts it simply: “To be a great school we need great teachers.” The Royal Teachers Fund is used to recruit, develop and retain top teachers with salary supplements, awards and professional education.
Through your generous donations during the school year 2023-2024, Leman Academy was able to reward our teachers, across all eight schools, with $340,000 in bonus compensation.
For our November 2024 In-Service Day, we raised over $29,000 and received in-kind donations from local and national sponsors, allowing us to award every Arizona Leman Academy of Excellence teacher with a token of appreciation.
Arizona Teachers Recognition Program
The Teacher Recognition Program allows us to honor the commitment and dedication of our Leman Academy of Excellence teachers through professional education opportunities and awards. Please consider making a donation to our teacher in-service day held annually in November so we can honor these hard-working, dedicated teachers.
Arizona Tax Credits
The Arizona Public School Tax Credit Program enables us all to direct a portion of our state income tax to Leman Academy. Donations made directly to the school qualify for a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state income tax return.
In school year 2023-2024, your generous tax credit contributions raised $214,000 for our Arizona schools. These funds were utilized for half-day kindergarten programs, field trips and to enhance our extracurricular offerings.
Wherever Most Needed
Donations to the Leman Academy General Fund will support a wide range of programs and activities that are not fully funded by the school’s annual budget.